Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Functional and fun!

I spied this little beauty at DI in town for only $2!

While it was quite lovely as it was, it just wasn't right for where I wanted it to be proudly displayed.

I thought about it for over a week deciding what to do with it, paint it, scrapbook paper, fabric, I didn't know. Finally on a whim I ran by JoAnn's and happened upon this fabric and knew what I was doing with my lovely little vintage luggage.

After several hours of gluing, cutting and trimming I ended up with this:

I think it turned out quite nice, now if I could just figure out what to seal and finish it with.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Yellow Table

A friend gave me a little brown table and I knew just what to do with it!

Here it is as I received it:

First I sanded it down, then primed it:

Next I found a great shade of yellow paint to apply:

Finally I applied a coat of black antiquing glaze and spray painted the hardware satin black.

Here it is lovely, fun and bright!